Saturday 6 December 2014

Transmogrification Plate Armor (The Titer one)

Armor Type:-Plate
lvl Req:- 70 to 72 
Source:-Bop boss drop from normal ans heroic Outland Dungeons.
How to Get this set:-
                                The items in the Lawbringer recolour set are from lvl 70 normal and heroic Dungeon.The farming process is easily soloable by a lvl 85 Character,but it is potentially Very time consuming to gather the entire set,due to daily heroic lockouts.
Head-Ruby Helm of the just(Bop from keli'dan the Breaker in Heroic Blood Furnace)
Shoulders-Pauldrons of swift Retribution(Bop from Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Heroic Mana-Tombs)
Chest-Breastplate of Righteous Fury(Bop from Quagmirran in Heroic Slave Pens)
Wrists-Bracers of Just Rewards(Bop From watchkeeper Gargolmar in Heroic Ramparts)
Gloves-Gauntlets of Vindication(Bop from Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Heroic Mana-Tombs)
waist-Girdle of Gallantry(Bop from Ghaz'an in Heroic Underbog)
Legs-Ornate Laggings of the Vanarated(Bop From Blackheart the Inciter in normal and Heroic Shadow Labyrinth)
Feet-Ornate Boots of the Sanctified(Bop from Ambassador Hellmaw in normal and Heroic Shadow


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