Saturday 6 December 2014

Transmogrification Plate Armor (The Shattrath-Protectorates)

 Armor Type:- Plate
lvl Req:- 80 to 85
Source:Vendor/Bop raid drop/BoE World drop 
How to Get this set:-
                                This outfit is based around the shattrath protectorate`s breastplate, a vendor purchase from either smith hauthaa or anwehu.The leggings shown are an intentional match from Blizzard,but there were no other matching pieces released.As such we've included our  own selection of extras to fit the armor.
Shoulders-Glorious Shoulder pads(BoE World drop)
Back-Tracker's Cloak (BoE world drop)
Chest-Shattrath Protectorate's Breastplate(Vendor Purchase at the cost of 520 Justice Points)
Hands-Glorious Gauntlets(BoE World drop)
Waist-Emerald Girdle(BoE World drop)
Legs-Greaves of pacification(Vendor Purchase at the cost of 520 Justice Points)
Feet-Emerald Sabatons(BoE World drop)
 One-Hand Mace-Legacy of thunder(BoP contained within cache of storms after defeating Thorim in Ulduar 10)

Shield-Crystal Pulse Shield (BoE World drop from outland zones/instances)
Alternative Extras ( Night Elf)
Shoulders-Pauldrond of the Wardancer(BoP drop from hydross the Unstable in serpentshrine Cavern)
One-Hand Sword- Rentaki's Soul Slicer (BoP drop from Rentaki,One of the foyr Edge of madness bosses in heroic Zul'Gurub)
Alternative Chest:
Chest-Ecclesiastical Cuirass(vendor purchase at the cost of 520 Justice Points)
Cheat-Savior's Grasp(BoP drop from Archimonde In hyjal Summit)


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